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“I can train anyone to do the automation. This changes

what kind of skillset I need with an

automation tester. It’s very easy to

maintain when you have such a tool compared

to maintaining the direct Selenium code.”


Why in-house Test Automation Framework Development Fails?

Automated Testing has become an essential activity within any modern software development practice. In agile methodology, software is released on a regular basis to stay ahead of competitors. To release software frequently and reliably, one must rely on an automated build system, which minimizes human error and speeds up the deployment process. One step within

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Open Source is Not Free

There is a misconception in the software industry that open source software is free. While it is true that many test automation tools (Selenium, Cucumber, Katalan, etc.) are freely available, these tools are not without cost to the end user. These tools merely provide mechanisms to drive browsers, organize test suites, and enable parallel execution

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Subject7 – A Cloud-Based SaaS Test Automation Platform

Two of the most common challenges QAs face in an agile team, is keeping up with the developers to automate new functionality, and the other is to have decent technical skills to be able to write good automation code. Majority of test automation engineers, including myself, are fond of being very hands-on and most of the

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Xpath Tutorial Part 2: A Practical Approach for Selenium Users

Intro Our introductory article on XPath basics can be found at Part 1. In this sequel article, we will be looking at various techniques to enhance our knowledge of XPath. Technique #1 (Static Elements) Scenario: Locating elements in a form such as a user registration or admission form These are elements that have constant properties such

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What is Regression Testing?

The technical definition of regression testing is the testing of existing functionality of a mobile or web-based application when changes and enhancements are rolled out. In theory, enhancements to other, unrelated branches of code should not affect existing functionality, but we’ve all seen it happen. This gets us to the more real life definition of

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2016 The Year the Fed Goes Agile

According to the Washington Business Journal and their reporting on a recent Booz Allen Hamilton Report, 2016 will be the year the Federal government embraces the agile software development methodology. 2016 the year feds will ‘ride the wave’ in agile software, cloud adoption The federal government is coming around to encouraging all agencies to implement

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Xpath Tutorial Part 1: A Practical Approach for Selenium Users

Intro This article is for people who want to use Selenium and need to learn XPath. It is organized in several sections where each has a sample scenario and a sample XPath.In general, we are not going to get too technical about creating a reference for XPath, instead the main focus will be the outline

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